Wednesday, October 7, 2009


My project locates on Brooklyn.
I am doing a design of a hotel(Mini resort).
Here is my concept comes from: STADIUM

The original stadium could not fit into my concept & project.
Therefore, I try to separate each layers of the stadium so that every layer represents different parts of a hotel.
Moreover, the look of the stadium looks like a building more.

Finally, my sketch comes out.
The canopy is facing the York Street.
Behind that, it is the hotel which showing the shape of a stadium.

1 comment:

  1. hi kyle,

    will galloway here. i have some questions for you.

    the concept is based on the form of a stadium, or the function?

    is there anything about the function of a stadium that overlaps with the way a hotel works? stadiums are generally designed to move massive amounts of people very quickly through a single container/space. hotels are designed to move fewer people (usually) to a number of small rooms. is there an overlap?

    stadiums are designed also to give every individual visual access to a space below. Does a hotel user require that? Is it possible to get something special out of a series of rooms that focus on an interior space? I am thinking for example of OMA's project in china, next to the CCTV building. every unit is set off from the ones surrounding it.
