Wednesday, November 18, 2009

SECTION (in process)

The section shows the clear layout of the stair & slope between cellar & 1st floor.

Hidden line - slope of the ground

1 comment:

  1. some basic questions:

    how do the floors interconnect? they seem to be discreet levels in this section.

    also, what is happening in the space between the kitchen and the restaurant? it would be a shame to have a space normally unavailable to you (ie, on another site where the height difference does not exist) being used only for storage or otherwise forgotten. it is a gift offered by the location. how do you take advantage of it?

    on plans and sections:
    whether showing plans for builders or for clients the essential goal of the drawing is to communicate the largest ideas. where are the stairs, where is the void space, how is the void space detailed...these are questions that should be visible even in an early sketch. they are important to you as a designer as well and should be treated early and clearly. The design needn't be complete or even correct, but showing full floor plates when your concept and basic floor plan is one with a void traveling upwards over the site is incongruous.

    The slope is important, but what else is happening?
