Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Process to slope the Typical Floor Plan

This is the original layout of rooms. The circulation is following the form, but the rooms are too big. That's the main reason that the plan does not work.

this is the 2nd try to keep the form and trying to create a terrace for every room.

3rd try. laying out the room horizontally to make the furniture work as usual for the interior.

Last layout, this is the best layout for the hotel so far. the plan shows the interior rooms works, but there is a big open space in front. That can be indiviual green area or terrace for each room.

1 comment:

  1. really great that you are looking at options and exploring potential of the form.

    I have some hard questions for you. I offer them as a challenge, not a criticism and hope you will take them that way:

    It is a pity that you are locked into the curved form and abandoning your concept of using the stadium as inspiration for design. did you think of exploring what happens when you make it into a square donut (which fills the sight like the neighbouring buildings), so that interior open space becomes possible without needing to deal with the severe constraints of the curved form?

    currently it is more like studio gang's aqua tower in chicago. which is a beautiful precedent but does not have the benefit of being related to your concept.

    You can suggest that the city itself plays the role of the stadium "stands", and your building is the focus (where the field would be in a a stadium) - inverting solid and void as a way to move forward. That is a little bit weak and tenuous in my opinion, but seems a better choice than abandoning the concept altogether as you seem to be doing. Have you in fact abandoned the concept or is this still exploration?

    Form is generally not a concept. It can be if you say so explicitly and work to show why that makes sense. Since you did not do that at the beginning, choosing to use the stadium as your starting point, the only criteria to judge your design by is what you have shown - within that framework you have painted yourself into a corner that makes the concept meaningless. How will you get yourself out of that corner?

    Since you have purposefully decided to not look at alternatives to the curved form it is hard to understand this version as a necessary result of exploration, and feels like you have abandoned the essential ideas of the concept to maintain a mundane form, with interior spaces that are not particularly special, which is the opposite of the stadium concept. The decks could be beautiful, but again they feel like leftover spaces not actual intentional places made to create a particular impact as Jean Gang did in Chicago. How will you overcome those twin issues? are they unimportant?
